Book Marketing, Author Publicity, Branding

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

So, What Good Is All This Advice, Anyway?

Well, it's official:  this blog is now more than a year old.  It's hard to believe that I have spent nearly 13 months writing this blog, dispensing book marketing and promotion advice.  I am actually a bit surprised by the number of readers I have gained, as well as the reaction I have received to many of the posts.  This blog has a diverse readership, ranging from new authors who have just published their first book to best-selling authors from major "name" publishers.  It has readers not only in the U.S., but also in France, Africa, Canada and Singapore.  It has been rewarding knowing that I have helped authors in their quest to promote their books.

But, have I?

The advice here sounds good, and it is based upon my experience marketing books.  The experience I have gained from the past five years of working for a publisher has been invaluable, and I pass this information along to help authors save a lot of time, money and frustration.  I have really enjoyed it. 

To put the advice I give into perspective, I thought I would include portions of actual emails that I and other members of the staff have received from our authors, along with the blog posts that reflect the advice apparently followed by the authors.  After all, seeing is believing.  I have omitted the names of the authors, but have not altered the content of the emails.

How To Schedule Speaking Engagements

"I have started calling area churches. I did stop at a few but they are closed during the week so I have come up with a new strategy. I am calling churches and then following up with a letter a week later if I haven’t heard from them.  The second church I called was an amazing experience, to say the least. I was able to speak with the senior pastor who also pastors 2 additional churches. He said that my call was an answer to his prayer!! He had been praying for something new and fresh to come along as his sermons were getting stale and he was tired of talking about the rich and the war; whatever that means. I met with him the following day and we spent an hour together talking. I was able to meet his wife. He wants me to come and do a 6 to 8 week ministry on surviving abuse on Tuesday evenings from 7 pm – 9 pm. He also took my book cover flyer and my info sheet and said he was taking it down to a District conference he was attending this past week. He thought my book was so timely that he wants me to share my testimony with all churches in the state! "

"A BIG HUGE THANK YOU for however you got me into Dallas Child Magazine!!!   i saw it on-line last night and was soooooooooo excited!  but today i received copies in the mail and you cannot even imagine how thrilled i am!!!!    as i told you before -- it has always been a dream of mine to have a book published -- but when i have looked through countless magazines i always thought "how cool would it be to have your book picked to be in one of these lists!"   and both dreams have come true!!!"

"Just returned from a fantastic event at Prairie Grove Battlefield.  Sold lots of books! Averaged $1,000 per day sales in the 3 day event.  Had so many returning customers who are now avid fans (that was fun!)"

Do you have any success stories based upon the information you have learned from this blog?  I'd love to hear them!  

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Marlene Nash-McKay said...

Congratulations with your 1 year birthday! Your blog is an absolute pleasure to read, well written and informative. Keep it up.

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