Book Marketing, Author Publicity, Branding

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Five Tips for Scheduling a Book Signing Event

Five Tips For Scheduling a Booksigning Event

Five Tips For Scheduling a Booksigning Event

By Lori A Moore

While publishers assist their authors in the marketing process of their books, including scheduling book signings and public speaking opportunities, self-published authors and published authors alike also need to be proactive in working to schedule book signing events in their local communities.

Tip 1:

Let your fingers do the walking through the local yellow pages. Don't limit your search to just bookstores. What about public libraries? Depending on the subject matter of your book, look for related opportunities. For instance, if you wrote a book on Do-It-Yourself plumbing, you might want to consider calling local DIY stores such as Lowes and Home Depot to ask if they would consider letting you have a book signing opportunity. If you book is a children's book, consider local daycare facilities and children's stores.

Tip 2:

Make the call. Don't be afraid. Call the venue and introduce yourself as a local author and ask to speak to the person who schedules events such as a book signing, etc. When you reach the right decision maker, give them a brief summary of your book and why it would benefit their core customers or clients.

Tip 3:

Once the store has agreed to schedule a booksigning, provide them with signage, posters, or copies of your book cover to use in their promotion of the event. Encourage the store to send out a mass email to their email distribution list announcing the event and placing signs in the store promoting it.

Tip 4:

Invite everybody you know to the event, even if they have been to other booksignings or already have a copy of the book. Stores want a good turnout to their event and the rule of thumb here is that they would like 30 people to show up for the event.

Tip 5:

Post the event on every available online medium including Craigslist,, as well as on all of your blogs and websites.

Don't be afraid to reach out and make those contacts. Every bookstore that I called agreed to a booksigning; not one of them said no. All it takes is some confidence, a polite and professional demeanor, determination, and a few minutes to make a phone call or a drop-in to a local store.

Lori A. Moore is the author of From Zero to Christian in Just 35 Years. She teaches college both online as well as in her hometown of Louisville, KY where she lives with her husband Michael and their three cats. Lori has a passion for adults who haven't yet experienced a relationship with Christ because everything they've heard is kind of formal and scary. She tries to write with humor and on a down-to-earth level that people can relate to and understand.

Twitter: @Lori_A_Moore

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