As an author, you have probably done the usual media contacts: television, radio, newspapers and perhaps a few web sites and blogs. These media sources offer good promotional opportunities, and help an author develop "buzz" and word-of-mouth about their book. However, there is one media source that you may have overlooked, and that's a big mistake.
It is Internet radio.
What is Internet radio? Basically, it's a podcast, or a live or pre-recorded radio show that is strictly available online. We're not talking about regular radio stations that also happen to stream their content online. These are shows developed for an Internet-only audience.
Who listens to Internet radio? I have to admit, back when I worked in radio, Internet radio was considered a fad. Who's going to listen to radio shows on their computer? Of course, this was before IPods and MP3 players. But, it turns out plenty of people listen to Internet radio.
One of the largest Internet radio sites, BlogTalkRadio, has only been around since 2006, yet last year more than 30,000 hosts conducted shows on the site, which were listened to nearly 58 million times. That is some great exposure for an author and their book.
Anybody can host their own show on BlogTalkRadio and other podcasting/Internet radio sites, even authors. Of course, there are plenty of shows already available on the site, and they are always looking for guests to interview, including authors.
Some of the guests who were interviewed on BlogTalkRadio last year include bestselling author Maya Angelou, President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Newt Gingrich, Madeline Albright and Oscar-winning director Danny Boyle. Bill Cosby even started his own Internet radio show this past year.
Offering yourself up as a guest can pay off. One of the authors I work with appeared as a guest on a number of different Internet radio shows. Each week for about a year, she appeared on one or two Internet radio programs and talked about the topic of her book: the End Times and the Antichrist. These appearances were enough to get her invited to be a guest on the syndicated radio program Coast to Coast AM. That appearance led to her being interviewed for a History Channel series, The Nostradamus Effect. Each time she appears on the show, the History Channel flashes her name on the screen, along with the name of her book.
If you would like to be invited to be a guest on a BlogTalkRadio show, you can either try to contact the host directly through their show page, if they include their email or phone number. You can also offer yourself up as a guest on the BlogTalkRadio Forum or fill out the contact form.
Alternatively, you can search Facebook or Twitter for "BlogTalkRadio" to find hosts and ask to be a guest.
It's best to find a show which fits your book's niche. If you have written a book related to sports, then you would target the Internet radio shows that are about sports.
If you haven't given Internet radio a second look (or a listen) it's worth checking out. With thousands of shows available, there are plenty of opportunities for aspiring hosts and guests.
Have you hosted a show or appeared as a guest on Internet radio?
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