Book Marketing, Author Publicity, Branding

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Identifying the Target Audience for Your Book

You have written a book, and now you’re set to launch your marketing plan and schedule a book tour, right?  Well, not so fast.  Have you considered who your target audience is for your book?  One of the biggest mistakes that authors make is assuming that “everybody” will want...

Thursday, March 23, 2017

How Will You Sell Your Book?

For many authors, thoughts of where and how to sell their books don't come to mind until the manuscript is finished and sent off to the publisher, or when a release date has been set for the book. After all, the book has to come first, right? Certainly, writing a good book is essential...

Saturday, March 4, 2017!

After taking a hiatus from writing my personal marketing and promotions blog for authors, I am working on updating and revamping the information on it.   You'll notice some new blog posts and some updates on older posts.   If there are any book marketing topics you would like to...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Guest Post: How Authors Can Use Webinars to Sell More Books

How Authors Can Use Webinars to Sell More Books By Gihan Perera If you're an expert who has written a book about your area of expertise - or you're in the process of writing it - I'm sure you know already that it's not enough to just publish the book and wait for the money to come rolling in....

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Guest Post: How Can People Find You If They Don't Know You Exist?

Article at a glance: People can’t search for you if they don’t know you exist. Keyword searches return thousands of competing results. Media exposure helps point people to your website. It pains me to see the hurt and frustration of people who don’t understand why their wonderful book or their...

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